Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Saturday 9 March 2013

Day 9

I was quite busy yesterday, but ultimately this will act as yesterday's post:

The fun stuff comes when someone isn't strict on sticking to the script.
You're allowed the spontaneity, and great moments can happen
~ Jennifer Aniston

Spontaneity, its quite a unique sounding word in itself, you can say it right or you say it wrong but the best part of the meaning of the word there is neither right or wrong. I don't know about you but I love being spontaneous, I love spontaneity in itself. I'd rather someone just drive past and drop by for a chat or even an hour just to catch up without warning, or making quick decisions like I did yesterday, I had some time before work so I went to a friends house. It was a quick plan...but it changed how I thought my day was going to end up. I was stuck in traffic and though I was pissed off only cause I may have been late to work or if my mum rang and knew I was driving before work I probably would have been scolded, but honestly I didn't care, it made me laugh quite a lot.
I wasn't exactly stressed, I don't get stressed easily but I looked around me and all these other people had to be getting somewhere in a hurt (they were on a freeway) and were stuck too. It made me wonder what lives they lead and so forth, I often do that especially on the train, it makes everything a whole lot more interesting.
Another surprising thing was when a mate of mine was on the train and he ended up being on the same carriage, I told him to come over and we weren't exactly mates and had met once before but we had a good chat. We walked home together, supposedly going the same way and it was nice to be in the company of others that you don't normally speak too. It was quite funny, where we were headed was a straight line and it was a place though ended in a court and had an adjoining little park to another street, he was set on taking to the path and I couldn't quite get it. He said 'roads are for cars and wheels', I said 'who said that' and he ended up saying he did. But that is only because we have been led to believe it is just for cars though nobody is stopping me from walking on the road. I rather not stick to the path that is laid out, I rather make my own path and I think he noticed that.
I just think that if the day takes way more turns then just heading in a straight line it makes life a whole lot more interesting. The spontaneous nature of a day is what is so refreshing. I'm not one for routine and knowing what is going to happen next. Surprise me. That is all.

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