Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Monday 11 March 2013

Day 12

Music is a moral law. 
It gives soul to the universe, 
wings to the mind, 
flight to the imagination,
and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.
~ Plato
Music. It feels you with light, it feels you with love. The emotions become so powerful that it rides with the melody, chords or riff. It is a healing process and is with you on those days that nobody else its. It keeps you company on those long car rides and tells you how it is. Music is the only thing that can be so vulnerable but so powerful at the same time, it is brave, bold, delicate and so full of meaning that every perspective can relate to it. This is unlike of a human who sees from one perspective only.
Music doesn't care what the weather is like, it keeps playing no matter who is listening, it sticks to its own and doesn't care how it is judged. Music is always around, wherever you go either it be at home, in the car, at a festival or at a shopping centre. It is what builds relationships, it can also be there when a relationship is broken, but it is okay as Music understands.
Today my mate and I went driving a lot, music was on the whole time. I was testing my CD's as I do not have an auxiliary and I had put on Bon Jovi on the way to his so I kept with the classic rock them and tried my Pink Floyd...I skipped some songs to see what was on, to my surprise there was Elvis, The Monkeys, Michael Buble and some old Italian music, such old songs that I used to listen to ages ago with dad until being influenced by my time to basically get into pop. I was telling him this is what I grew up with and asked if he liked it. He said he does, that he finds it all quite good as he grew up with the 80s and likes 40-90s as well. I don't know, 'it was such a simpler time', the dancing was incredible back then and it was just so fun. My car had become that, that atmosphere had time travelled just through the tunes and it instantly made my day better to appreciate it with someone else.
I found that I have a 1 hour of greatest 60s hits or something, so that is next to try ;)

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