Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Thursday 7 March 2013

Day 8

Happiness can exist only in acceptance.
~ George Orwell

Today I had Tafe like usual, it was like any other day, I didn't get to say hello to the Train Man  because he had his head down serving a customer so I just walked on by feeling a little bit bummed but nevertheless I walked with my head held high and a secretive smile crawiling on my lips cause I was quite happy.
I was chosen as First AD and thus the stress and problem solving skills came into play. I just did what I knew to do, i broke it all down and made sure to delegate tasks to people in the crew to help out the director who seemed quite overwhelmed. The poor guy, he made such a good script though and I want to help him make such a good movie. I think we really can!! Someone in my class was watching me float around the room and do my thang so when Cleo said something she said 'Nat is brilliant, she floats around the room this last twenty minutes organising it all, its quite spectacular'. It may have looked that way, I may have looked calm but I had a million things running in my head...the way I like it though. Cleo was impressed.
I got 100% on my camera test, one out of two people :), this made me so incredibly happy that I made my goal and I haven't seen that 100% in so long. It made me just feel overwhelmingly good inside.
If anything could get better, the boys invited me to go to the pub with them, I then invited one of the girls and the acceptance just feels incredible. I feel that the class is really meshing well, we all talk to one another and I don't see much hostility towards one another. We have our shit together and I think we work well as a great team.
The power of acceptance on somebody can make that person's self esteem sky rocket, especially if they have come to a new environment and making new friends seems difficult. It is the same when the girls at my second job accepted me on the very first day. The compliments I never wanted secretly made me feel better about my position and that I could see relationships moving somewhere. To be accepted by my peers felt the same, I now know they don't just tolerate me when they have to but they go out of their way to actually ask me along to things. I don't know if many feel the same, but just the littlest things (like this) mean the most to me.
That is what made my day today!

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