Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Friday 1 March 2013

Day 1

Everybody wants happiness,
nobody wants pain
but you can't have a rainbow
without a little rain...

This happened about two days ago but I thought it was worthwhile to put on here.
I reckon it is possible to have the best worst day. Sure everybody has their days. The ones that seem like they are taking forever to end, or that you are in a sitcom and the punches just keep on rolling not in your favour.  But two days ago, I can assure you nothing was getting my way, but each little bad thing didn't seem to build up and up and up till it gets all overwhelming but I realised if this bad thing didn't happen, this surprisingly good thing that made me happy would not have happened either. So here it is...

I told my friend 6 bad things that made my day: train gets cancelled so i take the earlier one, so i am so early to class i have time to finish my storyboard and am extra prepared for something else.
2. I was in such a weird mood this morning but the people at Tafe just make me laugh so much. Even when I'm down and they don't even know it, something about their energy makes me so happy all of the time. It's sometimes the best three hours of my day.
3. I missed my bus because i was talking to this cute guy but the upside was i had a really good conversation with him. After getting a little frustrated since I had to be somewhere in the afternoon. This older man came and sat next to me at the bus stop and i helped him with actress names and whatnot. It felt good being able to give an older person my knowledge.
4- i was so clumsy today, i was the only one on the platform but there five on the opposite. i was on my tippy toes and i tripped doing ballet steps and i started laughing so much, i turn around and this one guy is laughing so much at me. i made his day haha. Even though I was so embarrassed, laughing makes it all the easier.
5- I was stuck in 15 minutes of traffic stock still cause of roadworks. so i took the time to put music on and i jammed to it haha. I didn't care if the oncoming traffic could see me. I thought what better way to pass the time.
6- this police car followed me all the way to my destination freaking me out so much, until it turned  but i learnt to make myself go exactly the speed limit...that is always a good technique :p

You know what I realised which is even better? That it really wasn't that hard to be happy and laugh at it rather than it taking over your mood. I suggest you try it :)

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