Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Day 13

Compliments cost nothing,
yet many pay dear for them.
~Thomas Fuller

Compliments. I'm not sure why people don't take them when they should. It is not that you are being selfish or you are up yourself, but the person is taking the effort and time to speak their good judgement. If you reject it, you are basically insulting their views and perspective. Compliments can make anyone feel good, even if it is praise for what you've done or how you look. Even if it makes you turn so red you have to turn around so people don't see you, or hide behind some timetables.
(If you didn't realise, that was me :) )
It is just lately that I realised that people actually notice me, I've had this preconception in the past that I can easily go unnoticed, I don't talk much in class, I achieve quietly, nobody knows what I'm good at until somebody like my teacher tells the whole room...(again went red) or I arise to the challenge. For instance, I had given timetables to everyone, prepared a pre-production meeting and ran that meeting, delegating and explaining everyones roles. Everybody said how surprised they were yet impressed by my effort. Clearly nobody saw it coming and do I find that insulting? Surely not. I've always liked to be the dark horse. And it is easier than saying it which makes me feel just awkward, I'm not one to display much.
But deep inside no matter how shy we are, compliments warm us up especially if they are genuine and I believe that more people have to be willing to take the compliments they get handed. They are very true. Everyone has to believe they are beautiful in every way possible.

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