Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Day 6

"Children are entitled to their otherness, as anyone is; 
and when we reach them, as we sometimes do, 
it is generally on a point of sheer delight,
 to us so astonishing, but to them so natural"
"While we try to teach our children all about life,
 our children teach us what life is all about."

So today was better than yesterday, it was easier to smile at the Sun and appreciate it for all its worth. It was easier to be genuine to my classmates, it was easier to converse with people without being tense or feeling regretful. It is funny because we have to make ourselves aware of this when a child does not, they are naturally joyful and grateful, they are naturally happy when something good is around. When it is the opposite they cry over it but then its over, and put all their energy into making themselves happy again. Not many adults do that, instead we go in a cycle as if we'd rather stay in this solemn silence because we are too afraid to be happy, and too afraid of that happiness for one second may be taken away. This may hurt, this may be the reason why we don't try yet a child does not think this. They live in the moment, they are happy when they should be happy, they never think of the future events that may take this away from them. It is this innocence that makes them so joyful to be around. We have a lot to learn from children, more than we think we do because it was at that age that everything was at its purest form.

I wanted to talk about children because I was having a good day, I was making it that way. I was laughing and talking as I should. 'Should'...I got home and started some homework and I get this post on my Facebook; that my baby cousin had done a video and he said that he loved me very much. This video made me laugh without thinking, smile without pulling. It was just so natural. He made my day, he didn't know it, he was oblivious to it, but he did; he made my day. It took a thirty second video to change my whole mood around, because no matter how I am feeling, how bad things may seem like it, that little boy loves me with all his heart. That is all that matters.

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