Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Monday 4 March 2013

Day 5

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, 
but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
 ~Thích Nhất Hạnh

Today the sun was so bright, it was warming up pretty quick, anybody can notice that. It was such a beautiful day and I heard it is going to be the same all week, or similar too. It is something that I expect because the weather man said so. I expected to be joyful of this weather even though I do love the rain. However, many people are happier when it is brighter and warmer, that is why I like it. Smiles are contagious, if one smiles at you or you smile at them, the action is most likely reciprocated. Though today it felt like it wouldn't be.
I walked into class today, with my head held down and not feeling very well due to some personal matters. I even said to myself ' am missing opportunities when I don't look up'. I felt like I had no idea what i was going to write today because I was expecting today to be full of dismay.
I was wrong. I had accepted a bad day which was my first wrong step. I should have made it better because we are all in control of our happiness. I forgot that evidently.
I worked away the hours but as it was coming to a close I couldn't help but laugh. I am sitting here, head down, working and not talking to anyone, but I wasn't exactly closed off. These people were having conversations that seemed joyful, and it made me want to be a part of that. There is something about my class that makes me instantly happy. I love being around them. As soon as it ended I walked out feeling reality pull me back in.
There was something I had to do, and I should've done it a while ago and it may have fixed all this mess but I spontaneously went and visited someone. Just out of the blue, I was expecting to stay home, mull around and be a little miserable. I thought i shouldn't settle that. I asked a friend and he came along with  me. I wanted this as the start quote but I didn't think it would suit the whole post so I'll put it in now:
 'I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.~ Robert Brault
Anyhow, going on with the story, Driving has always relaxed me, with a good friend and music nothing beats it. I don't know, It was nice to have the company today, it always cheers me up. Just smiling helps even in the darkest times, you don't always feel like it but if you do it, your body learns to be happy. It works for me! Should for you too.
Kind of random all over the place post, but I guess that is how I am feeling. All these little things make me happy, knowing I have friends, knowing that today wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, and knowing I can change it if I want it.

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