Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Day 7

We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, 
who begin to interest us at first sight, 
somehow suddenly, all at once, 
before a word has been spoken.
~Fyodor Dostoevsky

It is quite funny the type of company you can come across when travelling. Just the littlest of encounters to the ones that become regular can brighten your day just like that. I didn't realise it until this morning that every time I get off the train at a particular station, there is this man that I say good morning to every morning and he smiles back saying good morning to me. It is a short passing of time, to many it would seem insignificant, but the day I had orientation I noticed him: older foreign man, stuck in a box of a room all day with candies and junk food surrounding him. I don't think he gets noticed much unless somebody is asking him a question about the trains. From the get go he intrigued me, how did his life lead to this. I know I would be complaining about claustrophobia or something, yet he has a spark in him to keep smiling and greet me back.
I don't know how significant I am to his day, though this is now a regular occurrence, I just thought if I gave this man some attention it may make his day because every morning it makes mine.
Later in the day I was catching the train home and this little girl had just gotten on, came up to me and sat next to me and asked how i was? and what was my name? Though I didn't give her my real name it made me laugh. She didn't care who I was, she didn't care if I was a snob or not. She just said what she wanted to know. I admired that.
Today had shaped into such a lovely day, I don't know if it was the weather or the dress I am wearing, or if it was these accounts I had just relayed, but today was nothing short of spectacular.
Every night for the past couple of days I have tried talking to someone different, it is a good way to get to know people and I have nothing to lose. It is just nice sometimes to talk to strangers or talk to an old acquaintance. But I know that every morning will start off good because of the train man. :)

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