Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Friday 31 July 2015

Today is the first day in a while where my  motivation is right on peak. AND ITS A FRIDAY. Like what??

I like this feeling, able to do all my work and get things done and not feel like I've wasted the company's time, money or my day. It really started last night at 6 pm when I got home, put a load of washing on, took a shower, got dinner prepped, hung the washing up, went to singing, put another load of washing on, made dinner, ate dinner, made two batches of brownies, made mum's birthday card...Happy Birthday Mum..and watched a movie and got to bed at 11.30pm. I went to bed feeling accomplished and clean. That's always good!

This morning I woke up, I got ready, my boyfriend (whatever you want to call him) called me and I went on the train with a new book in hand and we talked the whole morning. It put me in a pretty good mood. Oh and its casual Friday so I'm feeling comfortable. I started doing my work consistently without much distraction, went to the gym with a friend for half an hour. My 'boyfriend' called me again and we talked and joked around and now I have done most of my afternoon duties and I have two and a half hours to go.

Let's hope time goes fast as it is going now. Makes the work day more bearable.

Also its very much like Spring out, even though we still have a month of winter, the sky is brighter and lighter in the mornings too. Today feels good and I'm hoping nothing happens to that.

Also tomorrow I'm starting a 30 day challenge on this blog so we shall see how that goes, and Ill do those plus whatever I feel like (: Stay tuned!

Love as much as you breathe xx

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