Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Oh nat...

I honestly thought I had lost this blog.
I've kind of been going crazy thinking that they, whoever they are, took my blog away from me!

But it has been right under my nose this whole time. Like everything!. I usually think it is the most complex of matters that I'd have to go to a higher authority to get my blog back but it was my mistake...I logged into the wrong account.

Soooo what have I been up to in the last few days.

I have vlogged and that will be up tonight (:
I have got other video ideas too. Which I'm super excited about. My non boyfriend calls himself my boyfriend. I dont' think anything of it. We are partners anyway so there is no difference with that label. My room mate came back from her holiday. I am now performing in jazz, lyrical, tap, musical theatre and hip hop...yeah ive never tapped before and that was mighty hard.

I'm feeling a lot stronger. Been feeling weak and not myself but I'm on a much healthier diet now, cutting chocolate out for most of the week, eating my salads etc. Honestly a healthier diet legit makes my mood much healthier also. Good motivation? I think so!

My weight..idk...i don't really care, as long as I'm looking and feeling good the number on the scale is meaningless.

Hmmm...anything else happened? Oh I don't know...let me think...oh yeah! I got a part in a paying theatre production! So I can actually call myself a working actor.

It is for the Melbourne Fringe Festival and I will probably vlog about it at one point or another so yay! I found out I had an audition on Saturday for Sunday. So 24 hours to delve into a character and produce a monologue. Yeah it wasn't easy but I loved the challenge. Got to my audition feeling nervous but confident in my talent and the characters I chose to be. My monologue showed my intensity, maturity and compelling in my performance...their words not mine. I'm not that big-headed. My sense of the character that I was actually going for was well thought out and had real knowledge behind it. Showed them I had prepared...also Year 12 Literature skills helped with that. Thanks Miss!

So I have my first rehearsal tonight. They have been rehearsing for weeks, so I will be the new kid in school.  I'm excited but nervous too. The character itself is really in depth even though majority is in one scene but a lot happens, not sure if I want my parents to watch this one haha...but hey I'm an adult now and I'm trying to show that via taking on complex characters, challenging myself and showing the audience that I got what it takes.

But I shall blog about my experience tomorrow. (:

ATM im trying to gain my motivation to just live, and I think performing and training in my passions will help with this.

I'm so glad to have this blog back you have no idea. My outlet. I desperately want to post on my social media about other things but mostly are tumblr related and I have this thing where yeah I would like to post but then again do I really want people to know the real feelings I have? I'm not too sure.

Anyway keep smiling xx

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