Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Monday 20 July 2015

Nothing hits you on the head quite like a good quote.

Let's marvel over this quote shall we?
I came across it today and it is one of the most genuine things I have read in quite a while.  It resounds truth.

Think about it: If you are wondering whether you can do something or are able to do something either that be physically or mentally or both, you have a 50/50 chance. The answer could be yes or no.  BUT if you decide that you can't do something, and you don't even attempt to go for what you really want, the answer will ALWAYS be NO. If you do attempt to and give it a real shot, not some half-hearted bullshit, not some lazy attempt but really go for it, put your mind, heart, passion and soul into it, 99 percent of the time you will succeed but lets say you don't...what have you lost? Nothing, You're the same person you would be if you hadn't tried except you would have gained a whole bunch of experience and you know how to improve next time. You can re-evaluate the situation. Without failure there is no success because through failure you learn. If you succeed without being knocked down at least once, you are so lucky but at the same time you will lack character.

That is my opinion.

I recently got back into the acting game. The film and stage business. I wasn't getting anywhere with it before because I wasn't actively pursuing which goes to show what I said in the aformentioned to be true. Yesterday I had a promotional photoshoot for the play that I am in and it was in the moment that we were talking about funding and how to market our project that I realised I am finally a part of something because I didn't back out of that audition and gave it my all. The reason I am here rather than someone else is because I put in more than 100% in my audition and strived for it. And now I am in my first paying role.

I'm quite excited.

So my advice is, give it a go and you'll never know what may come of it. Good Luck (:

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