Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Sunday 5 July 2015

That was a very bleak post I made previously. Sorry if that bummed everyones mood out. Should I really be saying sorry for telling the truth? I don't know. But I just did, can't take it back now. That shit don't fly with me.

You can't take anything back really. An apology is an apology, true but everyone will remember what your said or what you did. Actions are much more significant than words. So remember that before you say or do something think of the impact it will have here on after.

I don't really know why I went on that tangent I was actually going to right about what I am feeling right now. The air is soft, matching the light in my bedroom.  I don't really know if you can feel light, if you can understand it. But it just reminds me of moving my hand through water except the consistency is less heavy - it flows. I feel like I am floating when I am surrounded by a soft natural light.

Match it with the white of my cover sheets, my messy strewn hair from last nights dance concert and the man that I love laying down beside me. I think it is kind of perfect. Flawed but perfect.

It's one of those moments that it feels just right. One of those simple moments you hold on to. One of those moments that you rarely recognise as being significant until it is gone. Because once they are gone, you want them back...badly.

So maybe what I am trying to say here, in my incoherent style, sometimes just sink into a moment, let it touch you, feel it, play with it, acknowledge it, be in it. Because trust me you will appreciate things a lot more and you won't feel like you have taken things for granted.

Keep in touch, keep smiling xxx

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