Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Monday 28 April 2014

Planes and other Shenanigans

Everybody wants to travel but when they say that to a date over dinner, to their parents who don't believe they are responsible enough, to their friends as they sit on the balcony under the stars talking about their goals and dreams, they don't really understand or think that with travelling comes planes. And nobody, nobody likes planes.

When I went to Queensland I actually didn't mind the plane ride, it was the Airport that got on my nerves because some people don't know decency and respect and personal bubbles. You have those people complaining to their friend right in your ear, yet every other person waiting in the baggage line are thinking the same thing and only wish for the process to go as smooth as possible.

Well we don't always get what we wish for and above is a main channel video! Im sure a lot of you can relate.

Here are my social media links!
Previous video:
Nat Stumbles:
Blog 2:

Sunday 20 April 2014

Under Pressure

Hey guys,

So check out my youtube video!

It's all about that pressure you feel from your peers, your friends, your parents, your teachers, society…

Have you ever been in the same boat as I? Where you are floating around and your okay but you're not exactly happy. You are just going through the motions and you are only doing it because you think this is what you want, what you have to want. For me, its my course. I'm not entirely happy with it. I felt like something was missing. I just didn't have that zing anymore. It was because the passion (if I had any to start with) was gone. I reckon the passion was more in the acting than the film making to be perfectly honest. It sucks because since year 8 I thought this was right. But I'm just not happy.

A friend had said than stop, and do what you want. I never knew it was that simple. But she was right. Life is so short to be doing something that is only holding you back from accomplishing something that is far more satisfying. So I made a plan, the plan does not involve anything about knowing what I want to do in life but its a back up so that is better than sitting on my arse all day and doing nothing.

I'm gonna get my Diploma (allowing me to be recognised by Film Victoria) I am then gonna get into full time work with Business administration (since I will have my Cert 3) and I'm gonna do acting on the side. Get enough money to set me up maybe even travel! I will have time and less restrictions.

I am happy with this. And as long as I am happy in the now then I think it is the right decision. I can always change my mind later. Nobody can't say I can't. It isn't their business.

That is what I was trying to say in the video and I hope you got that.

Here are my social media links! Lemme know whats going on with you guys, I'm sure I have some advice that was passed down to me (:
Previous video:
Nat Stumbles:
Blog 2:

Thursday 17 April 2014


Everybody deals with it differently. I for one do not fall into the category of crying my eyes out or letting anything out really. When I hear of the news I just smile and go about my day.
A lot of people may find this insensitive or me taking it well. A lot of people just don't understand me well enough. They don't know any better. So their thoughts don't bother me.

The reason, I presume, for doing what I do is to prevent me from shutting down. Just so I can keep moving forward. If you want to share, comment below how you cope with anything really, you never know you can be helping out someone who is trying to figure it out. If you want someone to talk to just go onto one of my social media and message me. I'm always happy to help (:

For now here is how I coped with my friends death that happened a few months ago. Check it out (:

Make sure to look at all my social media!
Previous video:
Nat Stumbles:
Blog 2:


Tuesday 15 April 2014

Hey there? Remember me?

Soooo….What you can see here is the Blood Moon everybody has been talking about. There are supposedly another three to come with a gap of 6 months between each. Some people say its to do with luck, others say its just a lunar eclipse of no importance, just Grandmother Universe doing her thaaang. Others say the world will end…I mean C'mon when do people not say that when something out of the ordinary in space occurs. Cry wolf? A lot would ask…but what if the world did end right now….would you be happy with what you achieved?

I know I wouldn't. Sure I've achieved so much. Pieces of paper don't mean anything to me to be honest. Its what makes me happy, and I have always struggled with making others happy even when I don't want to to do it, because it is expected of me.  I know you won't believe me but I am back into making youtube videos, its not like I had stopped watching my subscriptions its just I got busy doing things I didn't want to be doing.

I've sorted my headspace out now. I'm in it. I'm gonna give this thing a crack and how better to start it but on here. People forget that youtube-ing is blogging (vlogging) but my blog experience came from blogger itself. It all started here…not necessarily under this blog but my previous one. I want to incorporate this one as much as I can into my vlogging experience. So I'm doing that. I'm going to stop learning about Film, I will continue with this year but after it I am going to work, save money, travel and do things, the hobbies I want to do. I talk a little bit about it in something I just filmed and am currently uploading. The pressure we obtain or think we have to put on ourselves to know what we want at any particular time. I haven't found a passion yet, i thought it was film but that only came from acting, this youtube is more of a passion than film at the moment but my future is up in the air and I rather it be doing that than me juggling with it and having to fit in the stuff that I don't want which will always push the stuff i do want away. That is gonna stop because I am simplifying my life. I have barely any complications with work and personal life because I just keep the things that make me happy because I want to look back and not regret a single thing. Sure this could be a wrong move but it was MY wrong move. That is the big difference.

I hope you are still there who ever you are. I hope you have patience. Because I'd like this to reach somebody, not for the statistics but to feel like somebody is listening and that somebody may very well get inspired. Do you really think all this stuff that I have realised came from my own head? Surely not, I cannot take the credit and that person who helped me can't take the credit either…its just how it works. So let us work it out together.

Be the Best you can Be and Keep Smiling!

Saturday 22 February 2014

Things and stuff

Hi Guys,
How are you?

I know. I know. I knoooow I haven't been on a while and it is a sad thing. I haven't uploaded anything for a while either. BUT THAT IS GONNA CHANGE!

All of the Queensland stuff is going up this week etc, and another video explaining why I ceased contact with the blogosphere and youtube will be uploaded after all of them.

I am doing two courses now. Diploma in Screen and Media and Cert III in Business Administration. Its been quite busy to say the least. I am still trying to manage my time so I can get my exercise in every night, watch some Scrubs. Up to Season 6 now (: and also do this Youtube thing that I really enjoy. So it has been a juggling act and experimentation time to figure out how to fit it all in.

But I think the answer is. Just make it happen.
Time is a funny concept and you can do wonders if used correctly. For instance, sure you are having a busy weekend, yet somebody wants to catch up. There is always a way unless it is over long distance…(there is Skype for that people and Viber). Just make time. There is always time. Things like that are true. It is like a game of tetris. You just have to fit everything in, and more often then not there is a place for it. It depends on how much effort and how important it is to you.

See what I did there. I made Tetris a life lesson ;)

But yeah, you'll hear it all etc soon.

Nat's Stumbles : 
Main Channel:

Be the best you can be and Keep Smiling (: xoxo

Thursday 16 January 2014


Hi guys so I'm not sure if I told you about my run in with the bank but here is a new vid out so check it out and the story is on there. It was ridiculous to say the least!

Hope you like it and all my social media links and other links to other channels are in the downbar in that video.

Be The Best You Can Be and Keep Smiling (:

Tuesday 14 January 2014

There is a Deeevil on my shoulder, zippidy do da zippidy ay

Anyone out there? Anyone at all? If so, I hope you all can relate. For the past hour I have had a war between the angel and devil that rest on a shoulder each. I'm sure you know of them. I'm sure everybody knows of them.

And I am sure we all get tempted by the devil side more often then not because its needless to say he is just too gosh dang persuasive.

But that poor angel, the one that is trying to set you straight, the one that knows you best and knows whats  best for you. The poor angel that gets shunned for striving for good, the little poor angel gets shut out so many times. I wonder what it would be like if we listened to the angel for once. If we gained the willpower to repel temptation and just strive to be better.

I am in a sticky situation, its not really that sticky, actually its not even sticky at all BUT it is a situation. Its when a person apologises to you after x amount of months because they shunned you for no reason at all.  What do you do? Do you take the apology and forgive them. Or do you shun them back. An eye for an eye right?

Thats my situation, part of me doesn't want anything to do with them because you never know the past might repeat itself and I land back feeling confused. And at the moment my life is pretty dang good. I am healthy, I am fit, I am happy, I am content with who I have in my life and whoever doesn't want anything to do with me I don't give them the satisfaction, they can go as they please.

Like what do you do when someone apologises. Sure it was just a text, not a call, not in person but lets be honest the word sorry, to actually mean that you are 'so sorry' its really hard to say. Sorry is one of the those words that it takes all your pride in yourself away, you have to step back and be vulnerable in front of this person. Too actually mean it, that takes a lot of courage I believe anyway. It is saying 'I was wrong' and nobody likes to admit they are wrong. Nobody gladly admits that they are wrong especially over certain things. We all are wrong in one way or another, we all make mistakes because we are all blessed with the power of choice, unlike other animals who are driven by instinct.

I'm not perfect, nobody is and I know how hard it is to say that you are sorry. I know how it feels to have a mistake bear down on your back for days. I make mistakes every day and I learn from them. So forgiving this person, if I were to forgive them that would hopefully mean they learn from whatever they were dealing with.

Now forgiveness, that is a big one too. To forgive someone is taking a chance. Is taking that leap of faith that you aren't going to be wronged again. I usually give people second chances because boy I know I have needed them.

Sure I am a child inside but I need to be mature sometimes and it is hard too, I'd rather laugh it all off and go back and play in the sandpit, but laughing it all off doesn't necessarily mean its gonna get better. Not at all. I believe in talking things out because then there is nothing left unsaid, no misinterpretations. It makes it a lot easier to move on because once its talked about its done, you don't go  back to it again. There is nothing left to say. I think just by writing this I know what I am going to do.  I might be stupid, I might be a fool, but I'm trying to be a better person.

So if you read all this thank you! I hope you learned some things along the way. I know its hard but sometimes the hardest things in life are the ones that are most worth it.

On a lighter note, I have another channel up called Nat's Stumbles and its just my vlog channel and I have a 'Lightbulb Moment Mondays' segment so check it out and I will link everything below. I am going to use this blog to promote my channels. But I am still going to be blogging like this.

Nat's Stumbles : 
Main Channel:

Be the best you can be and Keep Smiling (: xoxo

Wednesday 1 January 2014


Hi guys soooo this year, wow whatta a year. Every year I do this I always think I can’t possibly have this much drama and learn so much more in the next year. Every year I am wrong.

I said 2012 was the best year, sure I seemed happier but I must admit it is this year, the year of 2013 that I believe has been the best year because all of the little nitty gritty lies have come out and what I am left with is much more genuine than what I had and I appreciate that a whole lot more. 

It is in these past couple of months that I have been the happiest I have ever been, apart from when I was like a kid (but who likes naivete hey?!) And in this year reflection it is my obligation to let y’all know why I am happy and what has happened this year that has lead me to feel satisfied with myself and leave on a good note. I think it was 2011 when I said I was leaving the year with all the questions not answered and that’s okay. Well you know its two years passed and the questions have been answered! I have grown, I have accomplished, I have learned so many lessons due to experiences and that brings me onto my first point.

Experiences…now before I go onto this I would like to define my year in half. Until about September my decisions and thoughts were defined about one person.  After September I was back to my independent self. Okay so it didn’t happen overnight. One of the experiences was heartbreak, now I don’t think the person responsible for this actually knew at all what I went through but it was pretty hefty and for a bit there I thought I wouldn’t get over it because my brain was so toxicated by this one person. Honestly I thought I was happy at one point but in reality it was a mask and I was just drunk off broken promises and manipulation. It was not happy. I thought that person was good for me. I was wrong because I see much more clearly now and when that person abandoned by this two faced person. Abandoned sounds pretty dramatic, maybe it is but if someone is told that they’d talk to you soon and then drop off the face of the Earth with out even a second glance back. You tend to go over everything you felt, everything you went through and all those memories. What for?  I’d say it was all a waste but if it were a waste then I wouldn’t possibly appreciate what I have now, I wouldn’t see that there are better people now. There was this quote ‘you accept the love you deserve’ I believed I deserved what I had but it wasn’t until I saw much more clearly that I knew I deserved a lot better and I wouldn’t stand to be put back in a situation like that.  I was an option not a priority. I was the dirt not the bulldozer.  People come into and they go out of your lives for a reason and I swear if you think of every single person you’ve met there is a reason or a lesson learned. But to the person who was the reason I went through it all THANK YOU. Because while you are stuck where you are I have moved forward I have become a better person, I have seen there is better out there and I know that I have such great friends, such great people that you are not in any chance worth the same caliber. Poor you.

Anyway because of that I have just gotten out there. I have become free. I have shown myself that I am strong, that I can carry my own and that I don’t deserve to be treated like shit and to appreciate the people who respect me for me, who are not treating me like a child but like a friend, like an equal.

I had said I had gotten out there, it’s a part of doing things for myself because after all that confuffle I thought it’s a good time to look after myself, I started exercising every day, eating right and you know what I have so much more energy, so many more genuine smiles and less lonely nights because I know that there are people and that I am good. I feel good for once in my life. I had said yes more than no, I have started a youtube channel and for all who don’t know just type Nataleigh Maree in YouTube.

I had never thought I would actually go through with the YouTube channel whatsoever, I was too shy to even promote myself but I have found something I am very passionate about. I even bought an slr camera. I am loving every bit of it. I know a lot of my family don’t understand why I do it, but it’s a little bit of mine, it is something I have invested and created and produced and its like my little project. And even though I am not YouTube famous, I appreciate every single view and every single subscriber. My friends have been very supportive of it. I love them to bits they are like my second family, I haven’t appreciated them as much as I do these days. The YouTube channel was part of the whole mindset of instead of dreaming about something just go do it. You have no excuse as you can always find a way. Just Do It…is one of my youtube vids (self promotion!! Haha) As I said there is always a way, sometimes the person just either can’t be bothered, likes complaining or is scared of any consequences, well if you don’t ask the questions you will never know the answers. It is as simple as that. I cut my hair short, I made this channel, I’ve been doing things that I want.

This year things have been moving and I am feeling acknowledged, as most of you know I have been part of a Tafe and doing film and tv well through out the year I was First AD and production manager for not only Certificate IVs but Diplomas even asked me! This was a real honor as I was a First Year. I had made so many great contacts and friends and I have worked my butt off to make it to the end of the year. I had found something that actually clicked, that came naturally and I haven’t felt that since dancing. It is an amazing feeling and then at the end of the year to actually get a Best Production Manager/First AD award for the whole year, that that was a great highlight. I was over the moon. But my best achievement would have to be getting into New York. I never thought I could because I never thought my idea would fly or I did it right. But I made it! I MADE IT AND I AM GOING TO NEW YORK AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN OVERSEAS AND I AM JUST EXCITED CAN YOU TELL!

Another thing I’d like to add would be Friends, there are some friends you can talk to for ages and those same people you can just lay on the ground and feel so comfortable and silence is not awkward at all. And then there are some friends you don’t see as often, maybe even months but when you do catch up it is like nothing ever happened, it is like you saw them yesterday. There are no reservations, no bitterness its just so nice.

This year I had three jobs one time and now its two jobs. I showed my parents that I can save and reached goals that I had set, that I am determined to show them that I am independent and can take care of myself. I don’t worry about money these days because of the way I save.

Another thing I learned kinda like last night that it is okay to say No. I used to feel bad and want to please everyone. I AM A PEOPLE PLEASER SHOOT ME.  Another thing I learned is that its okay if people know how you feel, if people actually know you and that you are not a mystery because it had to get there at some point, it’s a mature friendship and it is so much better. It is the best feeling when you can just look at your friend and with one look they know exactly what you are thinking.

I learned where the Orion’s Belt was and Mars/Venus one night. That was pretty epic.

I had learned so much but most of all, after all these years on ‘Take A Walk Down Memory Lane’ I had never really let go of that rock persona…but it was the night of Taylor Swift concert. It was a song called All To Well and if you don’t know it. Get on it. But!  After all these months, days, years, thoughts, doubts, I learned one thing that I am really glad for. I learned how to feel.  And it is beautiful.

I hope you all had a great New Years Eve. Check out my channel and on there you will find my other links to social media sites and I wish you all the luck for 2014, its gonna be a banger of a year and just go with your gut! Live, Love and most of alllll Be the Best You Can Be and Keep Smiling (: