Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Tuesday 14 January 2014

There is a Deeevil on my shoulder, zippidy do da zippidy ay

Anyone out there? Anyone at all? If so, I hope you all can relate. For the past hour I have had a war between the angel and devil that rest on a shoulder each. I'm sure you know of them. I'm sure everybody knows of them.

And I am sure we all get tempted by the devil side more often then not because its needless to say he is just too gosh dang persuasive.

But that poor angel, the one that is trying to set you straight, the one that knows you best and knows whats  best for you. The poor angel that gets shunned for striving for good, the little poor angel gets shut out so many times. I wonder what it would be like if we listened to the angel for once. If we gained the willpower to repel temptation and just strive to be better.

I am in a sticky situation, its not really that sticky, actually its not even sticky at all BUT it is a situation. Its when a person apologises to you after x amount of months because they shunned you for no reason at all.  What do you do? Do you take the apology and forgive them. Or do you shun them back. An eye for an eye right?

Thats my situation, part of me doesn't want anything to do with them because you never know the past might repeat itself and I land back feeling confused. And at the moment my life is pretty dang good. I am healthy, I am fit, I am happy, I am content with who I have in my life and whoever doesn't want anything to do with me I don't give them the satisfaction, they can go as they please.

Like what do you do when someone apologises. Sure it was just a text, not a call, not in person but lets be honest the word sorry, to actually mean that you are 'so sorry' its really hard to say. Sorry is one of the those words that it takes all your pride in yourself away, you have to step back and be vulnerable in front of this person. Too actually mean it, that takes a lot of courage I believe anyway. It is saying 'I was wrong' and nobody likes to admit they are wrong. Nobody gladly admits that they are wrong especially over certain things. We all are wrong in one way or another, we all make mistakes because we are all blessed with the power of choice, unlike other animals who are driven by instinct.

I'm not perfect, nobody is and I know how hard it is to say that you are sorry. I know how it feels to have a mistake bear down on your back for days. I make mistakes every day and I learn from them. So forgiving this person, if I were to forgive them that would hopefully mean they learn from whatever they were dealing with.

Now forgiveness, that is a big one too. To forgive someone is taking a chance. Is taking that leap of faith that you aren't going to be wronged again. I usually give people second chances because boy I know I have needed them.

Sure I am a child inside but I need to be mature sometimes and it is hard too, I'd rather laugh it all off and go back and play in the sandpit, but laughing it all off doesn't necessarily mean its gonna get better. Not at all. I believe in talking things out because then there is nothing left unsaid, no misinterpretations. It makes it a lot easier to move on because once its talked about its done, you don't go  back to it again. There is nothing left to say. I think just by writing this I know what I am going to do.  I might be stupid, I might be a fool, but I'm trying to be a better person.

So if you read all this thank you! I hope you learned some things along the way. I know its hard but sometimes the hardest things in life are the ones that are most worth it.

On a lighter note, I have another channel up called Nat's Stumbles and its just my vlog channel and I have a 'Lightbulb Moment Mondays' segment so check it out and I will link everything below. I am going to use this blog to promote my channels. But I am still going to be blogging like this.

Nat's Stumbles : 
Main Channel:

Be the best you can be and Keep Smiling (: xoxo

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