Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Saturday 28 December 2013

Now, Whatdya know.

Hey guys, what's happenin (:

This post was going to be about experiences and how many I have had especially in the last month. But one person changed that whole post and moved it into my Yearly Reflection.  Yes I am doing one this year too!!

Instead, this post is going to be about my fourth subscriber. I do not know them in any way, shape or form but I am very VERY grateful that they took the time to click the subscribe button.

When you are doing Youtube and when you are making videos, there are usually many doubts that go through your mind. Who will watch this? Will anyone watch this? How will it make them feel? Will they understand? And most of all will they LIKE it? We all want to feel liked, and even though this Youtube thingy ma bob is a hobby and something that I really like doing, sometimes I feel if I am getting anything out of it.

Ya know what, just literally a couple of minutes ago my question was answered! I reached somebody out there. Somebody took a chance with me and I am so so grateful for that.

Even though sometimes things don't look like they are changing just give them time, they need time to mature and evolve and make a larger imprint. I have 13 videos I think now and finally somebody who I do not know subscribed. You know what? You learn a lot from it too. I am getting quicker at editing, I know how to edit photos now and well I know more than I did before because I gave it a shot. The thing is sticking with it. I am here to stay baby!


Here is the link to my channel 

My  videos have links to everything else I do via social media.
Anyway Be The Best You Can Be and Keep Smiling  xox

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