Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Saturday 19 October 2013

Like Breathing Air

Hey there!
Just finished another shoot, was not as hectic although it felt like all the disasters that could happen, did happen.
My car for one has this dent and a few scratches from me misjudging the area to turn into. And then the guard underneath the car kind of fell apart because of someone who was not I tried to reverse it over a mound. Then there was hail the next day, a huggge hail storm it was quite beautiful, the next day was unusually smooth.
This post is about things happening for a reason.
I was in my car the other day and I had stopped at a stop light like every good driver would do. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and it felt like Spring. I was drifting my attention to this tree and I realised that that tree's purpose is to give out oxygen for us to live, to be a home for animals etc. Then I realised I guess everything has a purpose. For instance the aforementioned.  I realised if I didn't listen to people about driving forward at that angle and listened to my guard it wouldn't have happened, i realised that telling the truth to the parentals about it they ended up  not caring or being angry, that if it hails one day it will be sure to shine again the next, patience  is the key. Taking each step as it comes.
I went further into thinking about purposes, for instance people in your life, 'you are the choices you make' everything comes with a purpose. A person may be there to make you realise something about yourself or society itself, a person may be there in a time when you're in need. Life is a great mystery but it is a great learning curve in itself.
I laugh at the fact my life feels like a musical whenever I'm thinking of something a particular song comes on and it feels so right to be the backing track of the scene. It is there to remind you of something. To make you feel something. I don't believe in coincidence. That is just me.
The people you are friends with are there for a purpose. The people who stay still have their purpose to keep fulfilling or to fulfil.
It is only when you mess with this that things don't go smoothly.  When you take a friend out of the equation that wasn't meant to be and you doing it for the wrong reasons even though you think it is the right thing, this is when things don't go the way you once had thought.  Their purpose is still there.

My piece of advice? I know you didn't ask for it. Let it all be, let it all take its natural course and if someone is being shit to you and you do ignore them then it should feel right. If it feels wrong it most likely is wrong especially after a month. Go with your gut. If you care, you are caring for a reason and I personally don't think you should fight yourself about that even if you think caring for someone particular is stupid.

Man I think I just realised a few things for myself. Thanks guys! I'm such an idiot hahaha and hasn't seen what is right in front of me and has been blaring at me for three weeks.

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