Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Sunday 9 August 2015

Saturday 8 August 2015


5 Current Goals

1. Be a successful actress

2. Gain more self confidence

3. Exercise somewhat every day

4. Travel Europe

5. Do more of what makes me happy

Friday 7 August 2015

Day 7 5 Favorite Songs

Finally up to date. WOW I've done a whole week of this.
But now I'm truly stumped. I listen to so much music and so many different genres. I put it on shuffle because I don't want to choose what song to listen too. I don't have any favorites that I put on repeat at the moment.

If I had to choose, gosh its so darn hard.

1. The dance is over - Ben Cocks

2. Runnin - MGK

3. Back to Black - Beyonce Feat Andrew 3000

4. Pretty much the Great Gatsby soundtrack

5.Chris brown -2012

Day 6 - What are you afraid of

Simple. Abandonment and being replaced.

I used to be afraid of someone seeing the real me, all the bad ugly things that I try to hide. I didn't like being so vulnerable and exposed. Now, its just the people that mean most to me, leaving as they always do. May not be their fault or mine but it happens one way or another because that is how life handed it to me.

I hate being the second choice. The one people go to when all else fails that is why I have trust issues. I always think, how long is this going to last, will this one stay, why do they seem to like me so much something is going to happen, I'm going to ruin this I can feel it.

But that may just be me.

Day 5 Proudest Moment

I'm not going to lie, I struggled a lot with this one. It shouldn't really be that hard but I did. I had the page open all day at work and I couldn't think of anything. Why? Cause I thought what was worthy as being deemed my 'proudest' moment.

So I asked my boyfriend. I asked him if he knew what his proudest moment was and he told me. I said the above to him and he is like 'aren't you proud that you scored this role in the play and you are following your dreams'.

I think its the fact that I don't have favorites, I know its odd. But I don't, I just couldn't choose one.

So all great things come in threes:

1. Finally getting the courage and following my dreams. Not taking no for an answer, booking a role and running with it. Acing that audition.

2. Picking myself up after a bad break up and getting my ass into gear. Got fit, got healthy - mind and body. Gained so much self value.

3. Last night. Although I've been with him for 7 months, known him for 2 years, I hadn't opened up to him much or anyone for that matter and I did last night. It was hard to but it was worth it, have someone else know your secrets that eat you alive every day. He got to see the real me and I was proud of myself for that.

There did it (:

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Dream Job

My dream job has always been acting. If I could act full time that would be my dream job either it be stage or film, although film and tv is where my heart is at. Although both experiences are quite different and you learn a lot from both.

I've been acting since I was in year 7 but then again since I was a kid I was putting on all of these different characters and loved impersonating TV or Film characters. I have always wanted to pursue it but due to some people not approving it I tried finding other avenues to go through. Everything I've done since I've become bored of or it is a phase and my passion keeps going back to acting. So you know what I am pursuing my day every day and I will get there.

Watch me (:

Monday 3 August 2015

My favorite quote

I don't have any favorites, as you all know since I stated it in Facts about me. Previous post.

But the one on this site that I used, is a great motto to go by:

Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Yeah let's go with that. (:

Sunday 2 August 2015

20 Facts about me

1. Always make a mess when I eat
2. Trip whenever, even if it isnt deemed necessary
3. Have no favorites
4. Am 154cm or 5.1 feet tall
5. Social Media nerd
6. Fabricated stories when I was a child. Apparently was a princess and owned a thoroughbred horse named Chestnut.
7. Hate pulp with a passion
8. Can play guitar
9. Can sing
10. I am an actor
11. I paint, but have only one of my paintings as everyone else have wanted me to painted for them.
12. Twix and Maltesers are my main men.
13. Running is a passion
14. Exploring is a must
15. Am allergic to nuts
16. Can not keep a plant alive if my life depended on it
17. Name all her inanimate objects
18. Am obsessed with beanies and gum.
19. I am always cold.
20. Favorite memories have been with one guy...oh I must have favorites then. I fabricated that part ;)

Saturday 1 August 2015

1. My blogs name

Welcome to my challenge! 30 days of blogging haha.
I don't usually blog on the weekends but hey, one can change. SO

Today is what is my blog name and I'm guessing the point of it is to say why I've called it '365 Days of Summer'.

Well I was going through a rough time and I made this blog to be something positive, every day I had to write something good or positive that happened. Then I'd have a whole years worth because even though you may be having a bad day, there must be something you did or had or realised that you'd be grateful for.

So I guess thats it. Wow that was easy.

I'm also trying out some characterisation today - a British boarding school girl.

Lets see how I go.

Love as much as you breathe xx