Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Saturday 28 December 2013

Now, Whatdya know.

Hey guys, what's happenin (:

This post was going to be about experiences and how many I have had especially in the last month. But one person changed that whole post and moved it into my Yearly Reflection.  Yes I am doing one this year too!!

Instead, this post is going to be about my fourth subscriber. I do not know them in any way, shape or form but I am very VERY grateful that they took the time to click the subscribe button.

When you are doing Youtube and when you are making videos, there are usually many doubts that go through your mind. Who will watch this? Will anyone watch this? How will it make them feel? Will they understand? And most of all will they LIKE it? We all want to feel liked, and even though this Youtube thingy ma bob is a hobby and something that I really like doing, sometimes I feel if I am getting anything out of it.

Ya know what, just literally a couple of minutes ago my question was answered! I reached somebody out there. Somebody took a chance with me and I am so so grateful for that.

Even though sometimes things don't look like they are changing just give them time, they need time to mature and evolve and make a larger imprint. I have 13 videos I think now and finally somebody who I do not know subscribed. You know what? You learn a lot from it too. I am getting quicker at editing, I know how to edit photos now and well I know more than I did before because I gave it a shot. The thing is sticking with it. I am here to stay baby!


Here is the link to my channel 

My  videos have links to everything else I do via social media.
Anyway Be The Best You Can Be and Keep Smiling  xox

Friday 20 December 2013



Let us just take a moment here and think of the depth of the word. Family. Many correspond the word to 'Blood is thicker than water' but I think different. will always stick around and friends come and go whenever they please, but in that phrase nobody said anything about blood. Did they?

OMG. no joke I took a second to think of what was coming next and of course I was scrolling through Facebook and this is what popped up, first on my feed.
Coincidence? I don't believe in them! Hahaha
I was going to say exactly that.  What are the characteristics that bring up the word family? A special bond like no other? People who support you and always want the best for you? People who want to see you happy? People who love you. And that's just it.

I love my family, we may fight sometimes but when the going gets tough they are right there to help me pick up the pieces. They are my light, they are my armour even when I'm most stubborn to not take it, they are the wall that I subconsciously place up. It's them.  But my family extends more than what I may be told is my family.

My sister- official in my eyes and in her mum's eyes- my sister, Oriana. I've hurt her before but we have gotten through it. I don't know how she does it but even though there are times when I think I am the worst person on Earth, she can see through that. She sees something in me that baffles me.  I did my first public vlog today (I will post up and notify once it is uploaded)  and to be totally honest with you I was shit scared because I was  afraid someone was going to complain or something like that. But she gave me strength. It is the small things that count. She went along with it too! She didn't shy away from the camera and it just gave me that much more confidence.

Although she studies on the other side of the country I know I can tell her anything and I know she is always there for me. ALWAYS. 

Her family too! I can feel truly comfortable in there presence, just like family. Her mum treats me like her daughter, even if I have the smallest of scratches from the dog she gets the icepack out and makes me rest my leg on the couch. We are Italian...can you tell haha.

Family, its not who you are related to, it is who you relate to most.

Be the Best You Can Be and Keep Smiling (:

P.S. This is a video I just uploaded today, I think you all can relate too it. If you have any questions or comments make sure you write them down. I wouldn't mind it!

Thursday 19 December 2013

Run In the Runners Shoes

Hey Guyyyys,

So I'm quite excited because I found out my camera, just my small stills camera does actually shoot is HD whereas my camcorder doesn't and I can't wait to start shooting with better quality.
An update on my channels, I did upload my Footscray City Films Major the other day on my second channel; you can access that via my main channel and it will be under Featured Channels.

If you have any tips on how to make any of what I'm doing better, I am all ears, and as of today I am starting up a vlog to get some variety into my channels.

Today I'm going to be talking about Persistence. Its a huge word with a lot of weight, it means something different to everyone. Anybody can think back to a time where it means the most to them. For me persistence is every day, I've had to have it at a young age. Persistence to strive better, persistence to get better grades, persistence to show all those doubters what I am really made of.  I remember in year 8 I wanted an acting agent (yeah i did some stuff- mostly extra) and my parents wouldn't allow it. I persisted for TWO years, I gathered all the facts, the business end of it as well so when my parents had questions I could answer them and it only left them to say yes.

When I was in year 8 I auditioned for a school musical, safe to say I was pretty shit but it only persisted me to try even harder the next year. In year 9 I became part of the Ensemble for Beauty and the Beast and I even scored a main character in Rebel without a Cause! From then on each audition I just gave it all I got and in the end it paid off.

Through out my life I've persisted a lot. My motivation are my doubters. They are the fire!

But it really has got to do with this youtube stuff. I have been working really hard trying to figure out the best channel art that will capture my channel the most, the best links, how to do a logo and backgrounds because although my channel isn't that serious, I want to be taken seriously. I want to bring some entertainment to people- even though some may call me narcissistic. So many can't see the long hours I put into it, trying to learn how to do things, and what things are effective. I am persisting though. I know like this blog not many people actually follow it. But I have hope that one day people will like it. It honestly brings a smile to my face when I have even 1 I sad? haha

Anyway I hope you can help me out, I'm not looking for fame or fortune, I'm just trying something out and decided I actually like this.

Be the Best You Can Be and Keep Smiling (:

Tuesday 17 December 2013


Hi Guys,
I haven't been on this in agggges. I know. i knooooow. I am such a slacker. A flaker, and sooo so much more. But you know what, I am not giving up on this. If I give up I don't get satisfaction and all those people who did not believe in me, saying that this was just a phase would get that satisfaction.

I don't want that. Do you?

Besides, to be totally honest with you I started listening to people that I thought were like God...ha...ha. Not really, but I did have high regard for them. They thought all of this stuff was narcissistic. Well it is safe to say that they are out of my life now.

Sad. Sad. But also quite healthy. I am much happier, I have a much clearer head and I just wanna keep blogging. I don't care if I whine but I know people will read this and take something away from it.  I can't say I am a different person, but I can say I have opened some places within myself that had not seen the light of day, making me shine like a better person.

I am healthier. I am happier. I am free.

I also have continued with Youtube, I had given up on it at one point. GAAAAHHH NAT WHY OH WHY. But Alas, my stubborness that actually helps at times...has made me continue and keep trying. I do enjoy it and it is helping me edit and it is helping me keep on a point and not getting too complex with ideas. This will help me with my school films.

So I have two channels one; Nataleigh Maree which has singing, vlogs, tags and a bunch of randomness from yours truly. I really wanna take off in this social media stuff because it can help me in the future with my career and to be honest it is one of my passions. LET THE FIRE BURN. two; Nataleigh Elzein, it is going to turn into my Production Company (that needs a name). It has my films that I have made during Cert iv and will have all my films for y'all to view.

So please watch these links, let me know what you think. Give me tips. I AM THIRSTY FOR TIPS. TTIIIIIIPPPPSSSS. Hahmmm...anyways. The links are below, thank you for being a silent support but if you wanna talk I'm sure there is a way to do it on here.

I will also link you to my instagram, i do not have twitter or tumblr otherwise id have links for those too.
So it is safe to say I am staying around for a huge year next year and for the years to come. Love you all (whoever does read this).

Be a better you and keep smiling (: