Do What Makes You Happy
Be With Who Makes You Happy
Laugh As Much As You Breathe
Love As Long As You Live

Saturday 4 May 2013

Day 16

There can be no rainbow,
without a little rain.

Hi guys, I haven't blogged in what feels like forever. It seemed like winter had come not only literally but metaphorically. I was a little naive to believe that Summer can stay all year round, because Summer dries up in the end if there is no rain. Everything would be out of balance. We need a winter to realise how much we missed Summer. We need that sleet/rain/hail to appreciate those beautiful sunny days. So I do apologise for not blogging, so effectively as this is 365 days of Summer WE are up to Day 16. Some of you may say that I failed in some way but I don't think so, after all the realisations and experiences I have come out a more sunnier person.
So I work in hospitality right, last night one of my work friends was telling me about this regular customer. She had judged this customer to be a rough, inconsiderate person and effectively she was, though my friend who is the most kindhearted person I know made it her mission to change that. She pushed aside that judgement and every time the customer came in my friend would smile and ask how her day is. This lead onto more conversation then the next time they were well acquainted with names and now its just a regular thing. You know what? That customer is such a lovely lady, she just needed to be assured we'd give her the same respect.
Smiles can go a long way, I find that if I smile at someone they will smile back, not only is it courtesy but when they do do it you are giving them a hit of endorphins which makes them subconsciously happy. Like a suns beams, it doesn't stop at the source, light bounces and just imagine how many people that lady would smile at because my friend started it, it would have reached so many others. We can make a difference, if you focus on one part and don't get overwhelmed by the whole. That is what I believe anyway.
I also believe people should give others a chance, no matter how young they are. I was giving icecream to two girls and a mother. One girl didn't know what she wanted though she kept asking for the white one (lemon). The mother was unsure she'd like it so she kept saying choose something you know. Then the other daughter, this sweet little thing said the most logical thing. 'Why doesn't she just taste it?' Both the mother and I looked from each other to her and we just thought why didn't we think that. Give people a chance, it will surprise you what you can figure out.
Right now these blogs are pretty one sided, if anyone does read this blog I'd love to hear from you. You can ask, or say anything even if it means this blog is crap, 'cause I assure you that is your opinion and I will respect that, though I guess I would ask for a polite justification.

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